Chapter 3
My life in Germany began when all my family traveled there in 2012. I was 17 years old, everything was new, and I was open to explore everything. Perhaps, that's the reason I am in this condition in the first place.
I entered a German class in Berlin, where I learned until C1. I made a lot of new friends and acquaintances, from all the nationalities. Korean, Russian, Ukrainian, Indonesian, Mexican, Argentinian, even from Chile. I just didn't have too much contact with the German people at that time, I was living like a foreigner in a foreign land.
Days I spent walking around the woods, going to the lake or in German classes. Nights I went out, but I was still under aged so I couldn't go too many places.
I remember on my birthday I met a red head girl in a pub, I was finally 18, and I danced with her. I told her it was my birthday, my brother wanted to do her as well, but anyway when she asked me how old I was I said 18, I thought she was going to freak out, but she smiled. She went away after a little dancing, so I lost my chance.
I think I was obsessed with the idea I had to get a girlfriend or whatever, just make out or have a one-night stand. I wasn't pretty confident myself in those areas of social life, how could I tell someone I liked her, if I had been rejected before. Not only that, but I just couldn't, but the pressure of my brother and his friends made me do it.
One day at the club, this guy whose name I don't recall, an acquaintance, got me a girl from my land, she was pretty but not my type. We talked and told her she reminded me of the daughter of my mother's friend, that it was a shame she couldn't speak Spanish. I, myself, couldn't speak very well German.
Between those nights out, I started learning about the culture and the history of Germany, which is very rich. I began to feel more like a European, more related to that part of my ancestry.
Sometimes I spent the days with my family, traveling to Italy and England. It was a 'schöne Zeit' or good time in English.
Anyway, I finished my German course and started applying to universities in Germany. I didn't receive a letter from TU Berlin, because I had entered false information in the address, I think. But I received a letter from TU Dresden accepting to study the Studienkoleg Sachsen in Leipzig.
Everything was normal, I would remark. But when I went to Leipzig I had to live alone, I met good friends, some of them would become my roommates later on. They can tell another side of the story, but one of them took away me from the chicks, he was charming and charismatic, one of my best friends, but something was wrong with him, I was mad at him. I met some good-looking Russian and Ukrainian girls there, I went out with them, but I never became anything with them. Maybe because I was afraid of telling them my feelings, maybe because they preferred to get a German guy, I can imagine.
I was a little bit sad about it, nevertheless I managed to get into gym and fitness, I was weighing 72 kilos, while now I'm like 110 kilos, so you can imagine the gains and the will of overcoming the obstacles I had. But because of the illness I have, all of these dreams would faint away.
2013 went by slowly, first semester, second semester, engineering was hard, but I had my previous studies to back me up. I tried cannabis for the first time, a good friend gave us a hit of his blunt, I didn't feel anything though.
Until this year, I hadn't had a kiss before, I mean like in the mouth by a girl. But a Russian girl kissed me, she was drunk, I was pissed off and wanted to experience that. She went the next day to the college, she was in my class during English lessons. And next week, I asked her out, My friend the vampire (I'm going to call him like that, but he would think it's funny I'm sure) motivated me to do that. I went to the disco with friends, I told her she could come with us, a Ukrainian girl I liked was there. The Russian told the Ukrainian she was going to do something with me, I guess, but we went to another bar, I knew she liked my other friend, the charming one.
So I talked to her, and her friend was there too, she was trash talking about me, I think. I told the Russian girl we were not meant for each other, but I was curious about her. However, the next day, she told me we were just friends and nothing could happen between us. I didn't care too much. I had been hurt before.
At the end of the year, she was with my charming friend together, I already knew that she liked him, so it was okay, but he had another girlfriend in his own land. So, it pissed me off, but I think she got what she deserved. A petulant liar.
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